Internal factors

Cards (14)

  • Equal opportunities effecting achievement

    Teachers are anxious to not stereotype girls and effect achievement, so have introduced programs to ensure girls achieve.
    The Education Reform Act '88 made science a compulsory subject
  • Ways equal opportunities are promoted in school;

    -fair split of time between girls and boys
    -be aware of rigid sex stereotypes, i.e. cooking for girls
    -avoid unnecessary historical gender differences
  • The impact of female role models on girls achievement

    Many teachers are girls, this allows for girl students to see there is a chance to be successful through education
  • <Gorard> The effect of GCSE and coursework on girls achievement;

    Found between '75 to '89 it was generally not very divided in achievement, however a sharp turn came, the year that GCSE and coursework was introduced
  • <Mitsos and Brown> Coursework and girls achievement
    Girls benefitted from coursework because;
    • they spend more time on it
    • care about presentation
    • bring right equipment
    • schedule for a deadline
    • mature earlier with longer attention span
  • GCSE and Coursework and girls achievement

    Girls also benefit from oral assessments, because their language skills are better developed to boys of an equivalent age
  • <EVAL> - Mitsos & Brown
    -Coursework is not used that much anymore
    -Elwood said exams have more influence then coursework on a grade
  • <French & French> Teacher attention on girls achievement
    Found boys receive more negative attention
  • <Francis> Teacher attention on girls achievement
    Discipline boys harder and often 'pick on' boys
  • Teacher attention on girls achievement
    A self-fulfilling prophecy is created because teachers believe girls are better behaved, so they begin to act better behaved
  • Challenging stereotypes in Curriculum on girls achievement

    A barrier has been removed by depicting girls in more academic textbooks, i.e. science books either showing no gender or girls
  • <Weiner> Challenging stereotypes in Curriculum on girls achievement

    found since the '80s teachers have growingly challenged stereotypes about girls
  • Selection and League tables on girls achievement

    Jackson argues schools view girls as better achievers, so what them to apply, therefore making the girls better achievers
  • <Slee> Selection and League tables on girls achievement
    Boys are less attractive to schools because they are 4x as likely to be excluded and are seen as 'liability students'