13. Neuronal Control of Breathing

Cards (23)

  • minute ventilation = tidal volume x respiratory frequency
  • respiratory cycle is due to alternating activity in inspiratory and expiratory muscles which brings about changes in volume
  • at rest the diaphragm is the main inspiratory muscle and is innervated by the phrenic nerve
    • if extra effort is needed the external intercostals, scalene and sternocleidomastoid muscles help
  • during resting breathing - expiration occurs due to relaxation of the diaphragm
    • if there are higher levels of ventilation - the internal intercostals and the oblique muscles of the abdomen help
  • pons and medulla usually function as a single unit, but the medulla is more important for rhythm generation
  • DRG = dorsal respiratory group on dorsal surface of brainstem
    • discharge action potentials before inspiration
    • present in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS)
    • receives afferent inputs from chemo and mechanoreceptors
  • VRG = ventral respiratory group on ventral surface of brainstem
    • affect accessory muscles in both inspiration and expiration
  • prebotzinger complex is pivotal is rhythm generation
  • inspiration:
    • DRG projects down to motor neurones in spinal cord
    • diaphragm contracts
  • expiration:
    • DRG silenced
    • diaphragm relaxes
  • in forceful inspiration more action potentials are generated from DRG
    • VRG activity to increase activity of accessory inspiration muscles
  • in forceful expiration
    • BOTZ neurones help prevent inspiration by inhibiting inhibitory neurones in either DRG or VRG
    • causes diaphragm and any other muscles to relax
    • activates accessory expiratory muscles to forcefully contract
  • pontine group inhibits DRG inspiratory neurones
  • neurones in the hypothalamus project down to DRG - temperature and fight/flight affect breathing
    • emotional stimuli from limbic system can affect breathing
  • 4 types of mechanoreceptors:
    • lung and airways
    • nose and upper airways
    • joints and muscles
    • arterial baroreceptors
  • lung and lower airway receptors are the most influential
    • pulmonary stretch receptors (PSRs) are sensory vagal fibres in the smooth muscle of trachea and conducting airways
    • breathing in -> stretching of the airways -> stimulates the receptors
    • slowly adapting receptors
    • bring inspiration to an end and promote expiration
  • hering-breuer reflex prevents the lungs from over expansion
    • present during sleep and more powerful in babies
  • lung irritant receptors are stimulated by noxious gases, smoke, dust and cold air
    • rapidly adapting receptors
    • cause bronchoconstriction to prevent noxious substances entering the lung
  • c and j receptors are rapidly adapting receptors that are especially sensitive to oedema
    • distorted by fluid coming out of the vessels
    • evoke shallow rapid breathing or apnoea
  • nasal mucosa is rich in trigeminal nerve afferents that are stimulated by chemical and mechanical irritants - followed by a sneeze
    • stimulation causes the diving reflex
  • larynx and trachea can be excited by chemical and mechanical irritants to initiate a cough
  • proprioceptors respond to position and movement - allow for increased force of inspiration and expiration
    • responsible for dyspnoea
  • increase in blood pressure leads to reflex hypoventilation or apnoea
    • decrease in blood pressure leads to reflex hyperventilation