Case studies of investment in Cornwall

Cards (3)

  • The Eden Project
    • First opened in 2001
    • It consists of two large conservatories which exhibit major plant types
    • An education centre about sustainable living
    • A youth hostel
    • Transformed landscape from a china clay quarry
    • £140 million - 3/4 came from Objective One and the National Lottery
    • Generated £1.1 billion for Cornwall's economy
    • 13 million visitors
  • Superfast broadband

    • By 2016, over 95% of Cornwall had access to fibre broadband (the first county to achieve this)
    • Cornwall has the world's largest rural fibre network
    • £132 million - £53.5 million from the EU Regional Development Fund and £78.5 million from BT
    • Encourages businesses, particularly knowledge-economy companies and those working from home
    • 2000 jobs created
    • Annual economic impact of £200 million
  • Newquay Aerohub

    • In 2014, Cornwall Council obtained Enterprise Zone status for Newquay Aerohub Business Park
    • Aimed to attract investment to an aviation 'hub' that would generate 700 skilled permanent jobs by 2015
    • Partnership between Cornwall Council and private investors
    • Opportunities created include:
    • Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust (2 emergency ambulance helicopters)
    • Skybus (passenger flights between Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly)
    • Ainscough Wind Energy