Unit 8

Cards (7)

  • Somatic mutations are mutations which occur in body cells which means they are non hereditary
  • Germline mutations are mutations which occur in sex cells which means they are hereditary
  • What are the 6 types of mutations that can occur?
    S ubstitution
    I nsertion
    T ranslocation
    D eletion
    A ddition
    D uplication
  • What are frameshifts and what causes them?
    A frame shift is change in base sequence in every codon downstream of the mutation.
    A frameshift is caused by Insertion, Deletions, Duplication and translocation mutations.
  • What are the four types of stem cells?
    T otipotent
    P luripotent
    U nipotent
    M ultipotent
  • Totipotent stem cells are found in early embryo and can differentiate into any type of cell.
  • Pluripotent stem cells can differentiate into almost any type of cell. They are found in embryos.
    Induced pluripotent stem cells are made from adult somatic cells but this requires transcription factors.