CBT - cognitive behavioural therapy

Cards (8)

  • CBT
    Is a talking therapy. It helps sufferers become aware of irrational thinking so can view challenging situations more clearly and respond more effectively.
    Therapists will ask you about your past events, how you think and how you are feeling.
    REBT is a type of CBT.
  • 5 step process
    1. Therapist helps client to identify their thought patterns.
    2. Therapist helps client understand thoughts that can affect mood feelings and behaviours.
    3. Client examines evidence for irrational thoughts e.g. client thinks they are a failure and therapist helps them understand they are not.
    4. Client substitutes their irrational beliefs into more rational ones.
    5. Client eventually learns to identify their negative thoughts when they occur and alter the beliefs.
  • Ellis's ABC-DEF model:
    D- disputing Irrational thoughts and beliefs.
    E- effects of disputing an effective attitude.
    F- new feelings produced.
    -It's not the activating event which causes unproductive consequences. It's the beliefs that lead to self-defeating consequence.
    -REBT focuses on replacing irrational thoughts with rational beliefs.
    -Effective disputing changes self-defeating beliefs into rational ones and moves from catastrophising.
  • Role of Homework in CBT:

    -completing assignments set by therapist to do at home.
    -It's vital in testing irrational beliefs against reality and putting new rational beliefs into practice.
  • Behavioural activation:

    CBT involves specific focus on encouraging depressed clients to engage in pleasurable activities which is an antidote.
  • Unconditioned positive regard: 

    Ellis recognised successful therapy was convincing clients they are loved as clients who feel worthless may be less willing to change belief. It respect and appreciation is shown they may change beliefs.
  • Evaluation - treating depression
    +diverse applications: becoming more popular and increasingly becoming most used therapy in the NHS.
    +Research evidence: CBT is as effective as drug treatments when treating depression. It's more effective when combined with drugs. Ellis claimed 90% success rate for REBT takes 27 sessions to complete treatment.
  • Evaluation - treatment for depression
    -Not suitable for everyone: success depends on the willingness of the client to help themselves. Treatment might not be successful if client doesn't do the homework.
    -Individual differences: CBT appears less useful/suitable for people who have high levels of irrational beliefs that are resistant to change.
    -Alternative treatments: Using antidepressants which require less effort and can be used in conjunction to CBT.