A mixture consists of two or more elements or compounds not chemically combined together. The chemical properties of each substance in the mixture are unchanged
Mixtures can be separated by physical processes such as filtration, crystallisation, simple distillation, fractional distillation, and chromatography. These physical processes do not involve chemical reactions and no new substances are made
pour the solution into the evaporating dish
slowly heat the solution. the solvent will evaporate and the solution will get more concentrated.
eventually crystals will form
keep heating the dish until you have dry crystals
pour the solution into an evaporating dish and gently heat the solution
some of the solvent will evaporate and the solution will get more concentrated
remove the dish to cool when crystals start to form
the salt should start to form crystals as it it becomes insoluble in the cold, highly concentrated solution
filter the crystals out of the solution and leave them in a warm place to dry