Allows us to decide which hypothesis is true and whether we accept or reject H0
What is the accepted probability where the null hypothesis is rejected?
Type I error
Significance is too lenient (10%) and you reject null hypothesis when you should have accepted it
Type II error
Significance is too stringent (1%) and you accept null hypothesis when you should have rejected it
Establishing Significance
N value is the n.o of PPs
Calculated value depends on the test you do
Significance level (0.05 unless told otherwise)
Is it one tailed or two tailed
Critical value found using table given
Explain why statistical tests are used in psychological research
Used to establish whether we should accept or reject the null hypothesis and whether the results are significant
What are the 3 main things to consider when choosing a statistical test?
Test of difference or correlation
Independent, Repeated Measures or Matched Pairs design
Levels of Measurement
Sign Test steps
Find difference between 2 sets of data but you only need the + and - signs
Add the + and - signs and ignore the 0 values
The least frequent sign is your S value also known as calculated value
Your N value is the number of PPs you have once you get rid of the 0 value PPs
Find critical value with the table given and compare with your S value
What is meant by a Type II error? Explain why psychologists normally use the 5% level of significance in their research
A Type II error happens when you accept the nullhypothesis when it should have been rejected (false negative). Using 5% is a balance between the two errors which prevents making the two types of errors