More people die annually from CVD than from any other cause
Due to population increase
An estimated 17.9 million people die annually from CVD
This represents 32% of all global deaths
85% due to heart attack and stroke
Number of people who die from CVDs will increase to 23.3 million by 2030
Over 75% of CVD deaths in low- and middle-income countries
CVDs projected to remain the single leading cause of
Marked international differences
In CVD rates
Mortality rates are more than seven times higher in some Eastern European countries than they are in Japan
Within Europe there is an almost three-fold difference between France, Spain and Portugal on the one hand and countries such as Finland, Scotland and Northern Ireland
Low-and middle income countries are disproportionally affected
Over 80% of CVD deaths in low- and middle-income countries and almost equal in men and women
Equal rates for men and women
Due to hormonal differences in individuals, as women go into menopause, they have an increase risk of CVD
Blood carries oxygen, nutrients, hormones, waste products, and immune cells throughout the body.
The heart is the most important organ in the body, pumping blood to all parts of the body.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) refers to diseases affecting the cardiovascular system, including coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, congenital heart defects, arrhythmias, and heart failure.
Arteries carry blood away from the heart.
The heart pumps blood through arteries to all parts of the body.
Arteries carry blood away from the heart to other organs and tissues.
Veins return blood back to the heart.
Irreversible risk factors for CVD
Gender (male)
increasing age
genetic traits
body build
Potentially reversible risk factors
Hyperglycaemia, diabetes, insulin resistance
Homocysteine levels
Impaired foetal nutrition
Geographic risk factors of CVD
Climate + season
Sanitation and living conditions
Natural + physical environment - high air pollution and noise, low green space
Drinking water quality
Psychosocial risk factors
Low economic class
Stressful situations
Cornary prone behaviour
low education
Modifiable risk factors of CVD
Physical inactivity
Poor diet - high processed meat, salt, trans fat, low fruits and vegetables, fibre, wholegrain
CVD is caused by..
multiple factors combined, not a single factor
The most important risk factors are gender, age, ethnicity, smoking, dyslipidaemia, obesity, hypertension and diabetes