uses lab experiments so has high internal validity
all evs are controlled so can establish cause & effect relationship between bio structures & their influences on behaviour
can empirically measure behaviour & make accurategeneralisations of human behaviour
shows that bio structures & processes do have role in influencingbehaviour
* real life applications?
has been crucial in development on number of areas in psych
anti depressant drugs are given to people with depression as it suggests its a chemical imbalance
principles have helped many with their mental health & shows neurochem affects behaviour
has economic implications as treating disorders means people can go to back to work sooner thus paying taxes & contributing to economy
X deterministic
suggests that human behaviour is predetermined & driven by internal bio structures
pro: helps predict & prevent future behaviour
con: neglects freewill & idea that people have capacity to change their own behaviour
has negativeimplications on society as removes blame & responsibility from a person
ignores other factors environmental & indivdualdifferences which may contribute to human behaviours stating its all down to our biology
X reductionist
reduces something complex such as human behaviour down to its most simplistic component - behaviour influenced by biology - genes/bio structures
pro: allows us to research in great detail so it is likely to be scientific
con: ignores other factors which could have an influence on human behaviour such as environment we are brought up in & free will
complex behaviours cannot be reduced down to such a simple explanation that allbehaviour is influenced by bio structures/processes as there are other factors to take into account
* evidence to support from phineas gage
phineas gage survived fatal accident where metal bar passed through skull & brain causing severe impairement
intellectual ability not affected but personality was
he became quicktempered & foulmouthed due to damage to frontal lobes - affects behaviour
shows how physical makeup of our biology has an impact on both physical & psychologicalbehaviours