Only 40.6& of girls from working class families achieved a A*-C in GCSE (2013)
67.5% of girls from middle class families achieved a A*-C in GCSE (2013)
Symbolic capital is how working class girls gain status, by constructing feminine identities, often clashing with the school
Hyper-Heterosexual feminine identities are what working class girls invest time into and teachers view this as these girls priorities rather then education, when that may not always be the case
Boyfriends allow working class girls to gain symbolic capital, however leave them less time to work on school
Being "loud" is what working class girls are viewed as when being outspoken/assertive
Working class girls face a dilemma, either gain symbolic capital or educational capital
Evans - "Successful" working class girls
Studied 21 working class girls from a girls comprehensive sixth form in south London
Evans - "Successful" working class girls
Found these girls viewed education as a way out and wanted to go to university for family, however feared debt and wanted to go to one close by