Unit 2.3

Cards (10)

  • Internal recruitment: filling a vacant post with someone already in the business
  • external recruitment: filling a vacant post with somebody not already employed in the business
  • job description: a list of the key points about a job, job title, key duties, responsibilities and accountability
  • person specification: a list of the qualifications, skills, experience and personal qualities looked for in a successful applicant
  • shortlist: a list of candidates who are chosen from all the applicants to be interviewed for the job
  • off the job training: training that takes place away from the workplace; can be in the form of workshops, seminars, conferences or online courses
  • resignation: termination of employment by the employee, perhaps because they have found a job with a different employer
  • retirement: termination of employment due to the employee reaching an age beyond which they do not need to work
  • redundancy: termination of employment by the employer because the skills of the individual are no longer required for the job
  • dismissal: termination by the employer because the employee has broken company rules or is not performing work to the required standard