3.1 - how diverse are modern families

Cards (5)

  • 3.1 Klinenberg
    3 reasons for an increase of cohabitation
    cult of the individual - focus on own needs
    communications revolution
    ageing population - rise in life expectancy
  • 3.1 Spencer (2005)

    children w/ lone parent have less chances
    poorer health
    lower educational achievement
    higher risk of antisocial behaviour
  • 3.1 Murdock
    studied 250 societies and found all families corresponded to the nuclear family
  • 3.1 Grant
    men are increasingly likely to be living with other mens children while their own grow up somewhere else
    (reconstituted family)
  • 3.1 Levin
    living apart together
    don't need to live with someone to be part of their family/intimate with them