3.2 - aspects and reasons for family and household diversity

Cards (21)

  • 3.2 Woods and Smith
    decline in birth rate
    1871 = 5.5 per woman
    1921 = 2.4 per woman
  • 3.2 Duncan and Philips
    positives of divorce
    63% of respondents agreed that divorce can be a positive step forwards to a new life
  • 3.2 Jamieson
    commitment through cohabitation
    most couples ages 20-29 stressed their commitment
    cohabitation as 'try and see'
    against individualisation
  • 3.2 Fletcher
    value of marriage
    higher divorce rates linked to higher value on marriage as couples expect compassionate relationships
  • 3.2 Langford
    still looking for love
    women fear being alone, love is a natural bias for relationships
    love conceals the way men exercise power and control over women
  • 3.2 Hall et al

    freeing young
    people are appealed to the idea of being free and focusing on their career
  • 3.2 Greer
    changing role of women
    decline in popularity of marriage as positive result of women not wanting to be oppressed by their husbands
  • 3.2 Gibson
    british secularisation
    religious values have weakened in society leading to a decline of value on marriage
  • 3.2 Beaujouan and Brolchain
    cohabiting is the norm
    couples live together longer before getting married
    more opting out of marriage to cohabit
  • 3.2 Parsons and Bales
    privatised nuclear family
    modern American family now structurally isolated from extended family
  • 3.2 Leach
    nuclear family source of conflict
    nuclear family is the source of all our discontent
  • 3.2 Chambers
    undeserving scroungers
    divorce cohabiting & lone parent show dominant moral decline
  • 3.2 Giddens
    transformation of intimacy
    life long commitment replaced with confluent love
  • 3.2 Beck and Beck Gernsheim
    individuals no longer bound to societal norms instead seek relationships that suit them
  • 3.2 Park
    Changing social attitudes
    societal pressures changed
    sexual partner outside of a marriage is more acceptable
  • 3.2 Heath
    kids in parents pockets
  • 3.2 Morgan
    lack of government support
    government don't give enough support to marriage and give too much help to unfavourable family types eg lone parent
  • 3.2 Sharpe
    change in female aspiration
    2 working class girls studies - same school
    1976 = prioritised love, marriage and children - 67% wanted to live school early
    1994 = confident and independent, wanting financial dependency - 67% wanted to stay education
  • 3.2 Allan and Crowe
    changing position of women
    main factor in influencing rise in number of divorces
  • 3.2 Duncombe and Marsden
    double shift
    female dissatisfaction
    married women unhappy with husbands inability to take on responsibilities so end up doing household chores and emotional load
  • 3.2 Roseneil and Budgeon
    breaking down of the heteronorm