3.5 - the nuclear family in contemporary society

Cards (22)

  • 3.5 Parsons
    warm bath theory
    man coming home from work should be taken care of by wife
  • 3.5 Parsons and Bales
    2 roles of the family
    primary socialisation
    stabilisation of adult personalities
  • 3.5 Murdock
    4 essential functions that the family carries out
  • 3.5 Popenoe
    biological imperatives
    men and women biologically suited for different roles in the nuclear family
  • 3.5 Dennis and Erdos
    families without fatherhood
    single parent families have lower educational achievements
  • 3.5 Murray
    disintegration of family life
    nuclear family in decline due to breakdown of values
  • 3.5 Shalffly
    nuclear family is the only way for a woman to achieve fulfilment
  • 3.5 Engles
    family about bloodline
    inheritance goes to one legitimate son
    in a communist society functions of the family would be provided by the community as a whole
  • 3.5 Cooper
    death of the family
    nuclear family is where children first learn to submit to authority
  • 3.5 Zaretsky
    family consumes capitalism
    work and family life have become seperated
    work is alienating - workers have little control over it
    family life serves as a refuge
  • 3.5 Sommerville
    nuclear family is better than it used to be but still stops women from having full freedom
    still main caregiver
  • 3.5 Benston
    women support capitalism in two main ways
    renew mens ability to work
    socialise children
  • 3.5 Delphy and Learnard
    men gain 4 main things from the nuclear family
    financial control
    benefit emotionally
    head of house
    women = unpaid domestic hours
  • 3.5 Oakley
    family preserves social order
    verbal appelations
    different activities
  • 3.5 Giddens
    reflexive modernism
    confluent love
    rise of industrialisation lead to change in tradition
    women's roles less restricting
    NF another option
  • 3.5 Finch
    family displays
    families put on displays for relevant audiences
  • 3.5 Morgan
    family practices
    should focus of family functions/practices rather than the family itself
  • 3.5 Bernardes
    instead of the nuclear family a post modern family have choice freedom diversity and fluidity
  • 3.5 Stacey
    optimistic view
    postmodernism allows for a family to be suited to the individual with changing lifestyles
  • 3.5 Bauman
    pessimistic view
    family institution jeopardised by a lack of certainty over roles
  • 3.5 Lyotard
    postmodern condition
    knowledge has become relative
    no longer tell what is true and false
  • 3.5 Beck
    risk society - avoiding risks reflected in personal relationships
    high modernity - less confidence, aware of risks from science and technology eg global warming