maternal deprivation theory focused on idea that continual presence of nature from mother substitutes is essential for normal psychological development of babies (emotionally and intellectually)
bowlby argued being separated from mother in early childhood has serious consequences (damage to emotional and intellectual development)
maternal deprivation
emotional intellectual consequences of separation between child and mother or mother substitute
bowlby proposed continuous care from mother is essential
separation - child isnt in presence of primary attachment figure
deprivation - extended periods of separation - can cause harm to childs development (losing element of care)
critical period
bowlby states first 30 months of life is critical period
if childs separated from mother - in absence of suitable substitute care (deprives of emotional care for extended period of time) during critical period - he believes psychological damage is inevitable
effects of maternal deprivation on INTELLECTUAL development
bowlby believed if child was deprived of maternal care for too long during critical period - child would suffer delayed intellectual development (abnormally low IQ)
goldfard - adoption study - followed 30 orphaned children up to age 12 - 15 of children fostered by 4 months and other 15 remained in orphanage - at 12 their IQ was assessed using test - found fostered group had average IQ of 96 and orphanage group had average IQ of 68 - highlights significance of maternal care in early years of development
effects of maternal deprivation on EMOTIONAL development
bowlby conducted 44 thieves study - looked at relationship between deprivation and emotional development
examined how children who experienced maternal deprivation went on to become affectionless psychopaths
affectionless psychopaths are individuals who cant exhibit caring behaviours/ concern or affection for other
dont have empathy for others + show no guilt/remorse for bad deeds
key study - Bowlbys 44 thieves
aimed to examine links between affectionless psychopathy and maternal deprivation
procedure for 44 thieves study - bowlby
used 44 criminal teenagers accused of stealing (thieves)
all thieves interviewed for signs of affectionless psychopathy - characterised by lack of affection, lack of guilt about actions, lack of empathy for victims
families also interviewed to establish whether thieves had prolonged early separations from their mothers
control group - non criminals but where emotionally disturbed young people - see how maternal separation/deprivation occurred in those who werent thieves
findings of 44 thieves study - bowlby
14 of 44 thieves could be described as affectionless psychopaths
12 of 14 had experienced prolonged separation from mothers in first 2 years of life
5 of remaining thieves (30) had experiences separation
control group - 2 of 44 had experienced long separations but none were characterised as affectionless psychopaths
conclusion of 44 thieves study - bowlby
prolonged separation/deprivation during early years can be linked with affectionless psychopathy
evaluation points for maternal deprivation - bowlbys theory
counter evidence
poor methodology
evidence is poor
real world application
counter evidence (-) for maternal deprivation
some research findings contradict maternal deprivation theory
researchers have replicated bowlbys 44 thieves study on larger scale of 500 - found history of prolonged seperation from mother didnt predict criminality of difficulty in forming later relationships
bowlbys theory is limited as alternative findings suggest other factors affect individuals outcomes instead of early maternal deprivation
poor methodology (-) for maternal deprivation
bowlby used samples of orphaned children during WWII, children growing up in poor quality orphanage + 44 thieves to study maternal deprivation
all sources used were flawed as evidence due to personal + collective experiences potentially causing later developmental difficulties (growing up post war)
due to flaws - cause and effect cant be established due to multiple factors contributing
difficult to draw conclusion and generalise findings - limits theory - validity lowered
cant establish if affectionless psychopathy causes deprivation or other
evidence is poor (-) for maternal deprivation
key research supporting maternal deprivation (44 thieves) relies on self report techniques
study may have been affected by social desirability bias - making results inaccurate
potential researcher bias - data was collected by bowlby who knew what he wanted to find
as result of bias - results cannot be considered totally accurate and free from bias - meaning conclusions generated are limited - reducing validity
real world application (+) for maternal deprivation
study can be applied to real world
taking on findings improvements can be made to institutions to provide good quality care to children
procedures put in place - hospitals let parents stay overnight with children - prevents seperation or deprivation
knowledge gained - having already applied knowledge from this studys findings it increases reliability for bowlbys maternal deprivation theory