a Jewish prayer affirming belief in one God, found in the Torah
What type of religion is Judaism?
Monotheistic - belief in one God
What does the Shema contain?
the Jewish declaration of faith- oneness of G-d
Key quote
'Hear O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.' Deuteronomy
The nature of God: God as creator
the five Books of Moses which form the first section of the Tenakh/ Tanach
Orthodox Jews
Jews who emphasise the importance of following the laws and guidance in the Torah
- they believe the Torah was given directly by God to Moses so should be followed as closely as possible
the jewish holy day of the week
- a day of spiritual renewal starting shortly before sunset on Friday and continuing to night time on Saturday
Ultra-Orthodox Jews
Jews who are even more committed than Orthodox Jews to strictly following the laws and guidance in the Torah
Why do Jews observe the weekly Sabbath?
G-d is seen as creator of the universe- on the seventh day he rested so Jews are regularly reminded of God's importance and role in the creation of everything
What do Orthodox and ultra-orthodox Jews believe about creation?
they believe that the book of Genesis, which tells how god took six days to create the universe and everything in it, is the literal truth and that it happened around 6000 years ago
What do other Jews believe about creation?
they accept that the evolutionary theory may be correct and that the universe is much older but that God made everything happen
- they still believe that God is the creator but do not take the creation story in Genesis literally
What is the belief that G-d is sustainer?
- G-d not only created the universe but also sustains it
- G-d provided sufficient resources on the planet to feed and provide for all species
- we have to share resources
What are 3 qualities of G-d?
omnipotent- all powerful
omnipresent- everywhere
omniscient- all knowing
What does it mean that G-d gave people free will?
he gave the ability to choose between doing good or bad
- in order for there to be free will there also has to be the possibility of evil
- being able to choose to do good makes the act of doing good more significant
Key quote
'When God began to create heaven and earth' Genesis
The nature of God: God as lawgiver and judge; the divine presence
Ten Commandments
ten laws given by God to Moses over 3000 years ago
the quality of god that shows compassion or forgiveness to humans, even though he has the power to punish them
the divine presence of God
the centre of Jewish worship at the time of Jesus
- the meeting place between God and the priest
What does belief in G-d as Law giver mean?
that one will follow his rules
How many laws of the Torah have Jews been given?
What does belief in G-d as judge mean?
that a person will be careful to behave morally as their actions are being watched
When does G-d judge people?
- after death
- on Yom kippur
- once the Messiah arrives
What does the belief that G-d is redeemer (saviour) mean?
- in the past G-d has saved the Jews from persecution e.g. in the Peach events
- G-d will redeem the Jews permanently by sending the Messiah
- we pray for this 3 times a day
What's G-d's presence called?
the Shekhinah- in times of the temple it was clearly seen in the daily miracles that took place there
Key quote
'Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, the True Judge
Life after death, judgment and resurrection
the belief that G-d judges a person based on their actions and either rewards or punishes them as a result
the belief that after death the body remains in the grave until the end of the world, before rising again when G-d will come to judge
a religious leader and a teacher
What do Jews believe about the soul?
that it is immortal
- after death the soul continues to exist
Why are there differences between Jews in their ideas about what happens after death?
the Torah itself does not mention life after death although it is mentioned in some of the books of the prophets
What's the place of purification that some souls go to called?
Sheol or Gehinom
What's the place of paradise that eventually all souls go to called?
Gan Eden or Olam Haba
What does the prophet Daniel speak about?
how the souls of the righteous will be resurrected- brought back to life when Messiah comes
What's reincarnation?
the belief that some souls may return to the world again if they have not fulfilled their purpose