Module 1 gmath

Subdecks (1)

Cards (53)

  • Mathematics
    The development of all types of formal deductive reasoning
  • Mathematics
    The science of calculation
  • Mathematics
    The science of numbers and space
  • Mathematics
    The science of measurement, quantity, and magnitude
  • Mathematics
    A way to settle in the mind of children a habit of reasoning
  • Mathematics
    A discipline investigating "formal structures"
  • Mathematics
    The "science of orders"
  • Mathematics
    The "science of order in progression"
  • Mathematics
    A logical construct based on many axioms of either set theory or number theory
  • Mathematics
    • Presented deductively at school
    • Well structured
    • Problems are algorithmically approached
  • Mathematics
    The science of numbers and their operations, interrelations, combinations, generalizations, abstractions, and space configurations of their structure, measurement, transformations, and generalizations
  • Mathematics
    A desire for a particular kind of knowing, that is self-contained on the individual or may be seen as autonomous thinking
  • Mathematics
    • A study of patterns and relations
    • A way of thinking
  • Mathematics
    • An art characterized by order and internal consistency
    • A language that uses carefully defined terms and symbols
    • A tool
  • Essential characteristics of mathematics

    • Precision
    • Definition
    • Reasoning
    • Coherence
    • Purposefulness
  • Precision
    Mathematical statements are clear and unambiguous
  • Definition
    The bedrock of mathematical structure and the platform that supports reasoning
  • Reasoning
    The lifeblood of mathematics, the engine that drives proving and problem-solving
  • Coherence
    Concepts and skills are interwoven in mathematics
  • Purposefulness
    Mathematics is goal-oriented, and for every concept or skill, there is a purpose for it
  • Mathematics
    The science of order, patterns, structure, and logical relationships
  • Mathematics
    The language of science
  • Euclid said "The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God"
  • Galileo said "Mathematics is the language in which God has written the Universe"
  • Mathematics is everywhere, seen anywhere in the universe
  • Formal system of thought for recognizing, classifying, and exploiting patterns allows systematizing and organizing ideas of patterns, discovering great secrets of nature's patterns
  • Majority of our knowledge of mathematics and modern science is strictly based and supported by our environmental observations
  • Geometry
    The branch of mathematics that describes shapes and establishes the relationships between them
  • Polygons
    Figures with regular shapes
  • Spatial patterns can be represented by a fairly small collection of fundamental geometrical shapes and relationships that have corresponding symbolic representations
  • The human mind relies heavily on its perception of shapes and patterns to make sense of the world
  • Real objects never perfectly match a geometric figure, but more or less approximate them
  • Some ideas and terms of geometry

    • Points
    • Lines
    • Planes
    • Triangles
    • Rectangles
    • Squares
    • Circles
    • Ellipses
    • Rectangular solids
    • Spheres
    • Relationships of similarity and congruence
    • Relationships of convex, concave, intersecting, and tangent
    • Angles between lines or planes
    • Parallel and perpendicular relationships between lines and planes
    • Forms of symmetry such as displacement, reflection, and rotation
    • Pythagorean theorem
  • Shape and measurement (magnitude) or scale can have important consequences for the performance of systems
  • Changing the size of objects while keeping the same shape can have profound effects due to scaling geometry: Area varies as the square of linear dimensions, and volume varies as the cube
  • Some natural phenomena (such as the shapes of clouds, mountains, and coastlines) seem to exhibit fractal-like patterns that look very similar at any scale
  • Sphere
    • The shape of the Earth is very close to that of an oblate spheroid, a sphere flattened along the axis from pole to pole such that there is a bulge around the equator
  • Hexagons
    • The shape of a beehive
  • Fractals
    • Look very similar to one another when observed at any scale
    • Basic components are similar to the whole
    • Can find similar shapes even when zoomed in
    • Involve a complex process that goes through an infinite number of iterations
  • Fractals
    • Have self-similarity
    • Have fractional dimension
    • Formed by iteration