Use and abuse of animals

Cards (14)

  • Vegetarian
    A person who does not eat meat or fish
  • Vegan
    A person who does not eat animals or any product that comes from an animal e.g. dairy
  • Stewardship
    The belief that we have a duty to care for God's creation
  • Dominion
    The belief that we have authority over God's creation
  • similar beliefs about treatment of animals
    Many Christians believe God created animals. This means we have a responsibility to take care of his creation like a gift for future generations and not eat or experiment on them.
    The Bible says ‘rule over the animals’. This can mean that we have a responsibility to look after God’s creation (stewardship) e.g. give animals rights
  • Contrasting beliefs about treatment of animals
    Some Christians believe when God said for us to ‘rule over the animals’ this means we can do what we want with creation as we have authority e.g. test on animals or eat them.
    The Bible says ‘man is made in God’s image’ so humans have a spark of the divine which makes them more important than animals.
  • For animal experimentation
    Dominion – rule over the animals
    Humans are more important – man is made in God’s image
    Saves countless human lives e.g. cures for diseases
  • against animal experimenation
    Stewardshiprule over the animals, everything is the Lord’s
    Often painful and cruel to the animals
    Is not very effective e.g. penicillin kills guinea pigs
    Other alternatives available e.g. test on human cells
  • FOR eating animals
    Dominionrule over the animals
    Humans are more important – man is made in God’s image
    Good source of protein
    People like the taste of meat
    Can be done ‘morally’ e.g. Organic, free range farming.
  • AGAINST eating animals
    Stewardship – rule over the animals, everything is the Lord’s
    Often painful and cruel to the animals e.g. factory farming
    Other sources of protein available now
    The meat industry has a huge environmental impact (negative) e.g. transport, methane, global warming etc.
  • The Bible says ‘The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it’. Christians believe we have stewardship / a responsibility to care for God’s creation and not abuse it.  
  • The Bible says ‘Man is made in God’s image’. Christians believe all humans have a spark of the divine and are equal (link to dominion – most important part of creation) 
  • The Bible says ‘rule over the animals’. Some Christians to interpret that to mean we have dominion and can do what we want e.g. eat meat
  • Others interpret it to mean stewardship, that we have a responsibility to care for the God's creation and not abuse animals.