
Cards (13)

  • Sanctity of life

    The belief that life is sacred and a gift from God
  • Quality of life

    The general wellbeing of a person; how 'good' their life is
  • Abortion
    The termination of a foetus in the womb
  • Abortion law (UK)

    • Legal up to 24 weeks if it will kill the mother, negatively effect the mental or physical health of the mother, negatively effect the lives of existing children or the baby is likely to be born seriously disabled
  • Pro life
    The right to life of the foetus is more important than the woman's right to choose what happens to her body
  • Pro choice
    The woman has the right to choose what happens to her body and if she wants to continue with the pregnancy
  • 2 religious beliefs in favour of abortion
    Many Christians believe that if the pregnancy/birth would kill the mother, then it is better to abort the baby and save the mother, than risk the death of both.
    Jesus taught ‘love thy neighbour’ so Christians should always do the most loving thing and consider the quality of life e.g. if the baby would be born with a terrible disease/disability, it may be the compassionate thing to never let it suffer life.
  • 2 religious beliefs against abortion
    The Bible says ‘Do not kill’. Roman Catholics believe this is a divine instruction from God and should not be broken. Life begins at conception so abortion = murder.
    The Bible says ‘before I formed you in the womb, I knew you’. God has a plan for every life and it is not for mankind to interfere with that plan. We do not have the right to take away life – only God has that authority.
  • is abortion morally justified
    • Quality of life is more important e.g. if baby was to be born with severe disabilities or is unwanted
    •  The woman has the right to choose what happens to her body including if she wants to continue with the pregnancy
    • If baby was a result of rape it wasn’t the woman’s choice to get pregnant
    •  Life does not begin until the baby is born and able to survive independently of the mother.
  • Is abortion morally justified
    • Sanctity of life is more important e.g. ALL life is valuable regardless of disabilities.
    •  The foetus has the right to life. It is innocent and should not suffer because of another’s choice.
    •  Life begins at conception.
    •  Only God decides when life begins/ends; not us.
    •  Alternative = adoption.
  • The Bible says ‘Do not kill’. This is a divine instruction from God and should not be broken. 
  • The Bible says ‘before I formed you in the womb, I knew you’. God has a plan for every life and it is not for mankind to interfere with that plan. We do not have the right to take away life – only God has that authority.
  • The Bible says ’Love thy neighbour’. Many Christians believe we should show agape to everyone and do the most loving thing e.g. consider the quality of life