Attention neuronal

Cards (21)

  • Individual neurons in monkey temporal cortex

    • Show 'preferences' for particular stimuli
    • Chelazzi (1993)
  • Attentional competition- Chelazzi et al (1993) 

    • Occurs at the level of individual neurons
    • Involves both excitation (increased firing rate of neurons to stimulus) and inhibition (suppression of firing rate of neurons)
    • Modulation of neuronal responses by attention occurs before response
    • Competition occurs in brain regions that process the visual features of objects
    • The same neurons that process the visual features of an object resolve the competition for selection
  • Attentional modulation effects occur early in the processing stream
  • Retinotopic mapping

    Used to examine which areas of visual cortex were sensitive to visual stimulation in different regions of space
  • Brefczynski and DeYoe (1999)
    • Activation in V1 during attentional cueing
    • Effects occurred in V1 - shows attention enhances processing in the earliest stages of visual processing
  • ERP and fMRI studies converge to show attentional modulation of cortical signals in primary visual cortex (V1)
  • Kastner et al (1998) findings:
    • Activation in V4 = lower when items presented simultaneously than sequentially (due to attentional competition)
  • O'craven et al (1999) findings
    • Activation in FFA and PPA depended on which stimulus was being attended to
  • Attention is flexible with the level of filtering depending on perceptual load
  • Schwartz et al (2005)
    • Perceptual load affects visual cortex activation
  • Competitive effects of attention can be observed throughout brain regions in the ventral visual pathway
  • Selective attention = gateway into consciousness
    • Filters sensory infoby enhancing baseline neuronal firing in task-relevant areas of visual cortex and suppressing neuronal firing in task-irrelevant brain regions
  • Attentional signals may originate in frontoparietal cortex
  • fMRI provides correlation data, and we can't infer causation
  • TMS over Frontal Eye Fields

    Effects on activation in visual cortex - Taylor et al (2006)
  • Taylor et al 2006 findings:
    • Attentional selection may involve long-distance interactions between prefrontal cortex and visual cortex
    • Faster to respond to validly cued targets than invalidly cued targets
    • Responses = slower during TMS of the frontal eye fields
  • Neuronal frequency synchronisation

    Rhythmic or repetitive patterns of neuronal activity
  • Different EEG frequency bands might correspond to different functions
  • Buschman & Miller (2007)
    • Frequency synchronisation between brain regions might support selective attention
  • Synchronisation between parietal and prefrontal regions

    • Higher in middle frequency (beta band) during conjunction search
    • Higher in upper frequency (gamma band) during pop-out
  • Gonzalez et al (1994) ERPs findings:
    • If a cue was previously presented pointing to location - brain activation in early visual cortical areas = higher than when cue pointed to the other location