
Cards (12)

  • Sanctity of life

    The belief that life is sacred and a gift from God
  • Quality of life

    The general wellbeing of a person; how 'good' their life is
  • Euthanasia
    Killing someone painlessly to end their suffering
  • Voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide is illegal in the UK but legal in countries such as Belgium
  • Alternative to euthanasia
    Hospices - this is where specialist medical staff look after the terminally ill. 
    Drugs are used to help ensure that the person does not suffer any more pain than is absolutely necessary.
    Staff are able to talk with patients about death and dying and any fears they may have.
    They are also available to support the family of the dying person.
  • Beliefs in favour of euthanasia
    Many Christians believe as human being we have the right to make choices about our lives including when we die. We have reason and have the right to die with dignity.
    The Bible says ’Love thy neighbour’. Many Christians believe we should show agape to everyone and do the most loving thing e.g. consider the quality of life.
  • beliefs against euthanasia
    The Bible says ‘Do not kill’. Roman Catholics believe this is a divine instruction from God and should not be broken.
    The Bible says ‘before I formed you in the womb, I knew you’. God has a plan for every life and it is not for mankind to interfere with that plan. We do not have the right to take away life – only God has that authority.
  • is euthanasia morally justified
    • The Bible says ’Love thy neighbour’. Many Christians believe we should show agape to everyone and do the most loving thing e.g. consider the quality of life 
    • We ‘put down’ animals when in pain, why not do it to humans?
    • Human beings should have the right to be able to decide when and how they die (self-determination).
    • It allows people to die with dignity
    • expensive to keep people alive when there is no cure for their illness.
    • In Belgium and other countries that allow Euthanasia a ‘slippery slope’ hasn’t happened.
  • is euthanasia morally justified
    • Doctors promise to save life, not end it. This goes against the Hippocratic Oath. Puts them in a horrible position.
    • People may fear going to the doctors.
    • could lead to a slippery slope where society no longer values life or the terminally ill. If we allow doctors to kill the terminally ill, what stops them from killing other people who are unwell?
    • Some people unexpectedly recover.
    • Alternative = hospices where people can die naturally but still in dignity.
  • The Bible says ‘Do not kill’. This is a divine instruction from God and should not be broken. 
  • The Bible says ‘before I formed you in the womb, I knew you’. God has a plan for every life and it is not for mankind to interfere with that plan. We do not have the right to take away life – only God has that authority.
  • The Bible says ’Love thy neighbour’. Many Christians believe we should show agape to everyone and do the most loving thing e.g. consider the quality of life