1) Economic crises and government response, 1918-23

Subdecks (4)

Cards (15)

  • Reasons for economic crises:
    The debt that Germany had accumulated during WW1
  • Reasons for economic crises:
    Financial burden of reparations
  • Reasons for economic crises:
    Loss of income due to losing territory and trade
  • Reasons for economic crises:
    The government's spending commitments
  • Reasons for economic crises:
    The relative weakness of the German economy compared with that of other major powers.
  • Reasons for economic crises:

    Post-war unemployment, which reduced tax revenues and led to greater welfare spending.
  • These difficulties led to growing economic turmoil, which climaxed in the hyperinflation crisis of 1923.
  • The government responded with radical measures, including the creation of a new currency and loans from the USA in order to deal with the crisis.