
Cards (11)

  • Afterlife
    Life after death; the belief that existence continues after physical death
  • Resurrection
    Being raised from the dead
  • Judgement
    The belief that God will decides whether each person should receive eternal life or eternal punishment based on their earthly life
  • Soul
    The spiritual aspect of a being which is non-physical and is often seen to live on after death
  • Christians believe that the soul was ‘breathed’ into Adam during mankind’s creation. It is through our soul that we can connect to God and therefore our soul will continue to live on even though our material body dies (dualism).
  • Others argue that the body and soul cannot remain separated (non-dualists) and so although the soul goes to be judged immediately after death, the body will resurrect on the final day of judgement to be untied with the soul.
  • Christians believe what happens to them after they die will be based on how they have lived this life. This means that Christians will try to live a good Christian life following the teachings of the Bible and the Church so that they go to heaven when they die.
  • In the parable of the Sheep and Goats Jesus said that Christians should feed the hungry, clothe the naked, befriend strangers and visit the sick. After death God will judge people and separate the good from the bad like a shepherd separates sheep from goats.
  • Roman Catholics believe the souls of very good believers go directly to heaven but most others will go through a period of cleansing in purgatory which is between heaven and earth.
  • The Bible teaches the Parable of the Sheep and Goats. Christians believe God will judge people based on their actions. Sheep = heaven, goats = hell. 
  • The Bible says ‘Since death comes from man, resurrection of the dead also comes through a man’. Christians believe their soul will be raised after death and will go to heaven/hell based on their faith and action.