
Cards (26)

  • Scarcity
    We as humans have unlimited wants but unfortunately we have limited resources. This is the problem of scarcity. Scarcity makes all economic systems make choices.
  • The goal of any economic system is to solve the problem of scarcity
  • Supply

    How much of a product is available
  • Demand
    How much people want the product
  • When the supply of a product is low
    Demand makes the price higher
  • When the supply of a product is greater

    The price is lower
  • Products or situations that are super expensive/cheap because of supply & demand problems

    • (to be provided by students)
  • Supply and Demand Graphing

    • X = quantity
    • Y = price
  • Mercantilism
    Historical economic system dominant leading up to WW1
  • Mercantilism
    • Goal: to acquire wealth from colonies maximizing exports and minimizing imports
    • Promotes: Monarchy, imperialism & colonialism
    • Problems: trade and quality of life diminishes
  • The Mercantile System
  • Cost Benefit of Mercantilism

    • Suppresses individual freedoms
    • Wealth is measured physically ($$ gold)
    • Focuses on selling exports
    • Needed to maintain large populations
  • Capitalism
    Market economy
  • The Wealth of Nations published
  • Capitalism
    • Wealth of a nation isn't measured by the amount of gold you have or the size of the military
    • Wealth is measured by the quality of life and productivity of the people
  • Quality of Life

    • Healthcare (healthy)
    • Education
    • Basic necessities (water, shelter, food)
    • Freedom of speech (democracy)
    • Space – clean natural environment, public protection
    • Safe – free from conflict
    • Transportation
    • peace
    • Infrastructure – roads, electricity
    • Leisure activities
  • Productivity
    Capitalism - Government is not involved in the economies, the productivity of the people in the nation will increase
  • Laissez faire

    Free market
  • Invisible hand

    How people will know what to produce
  • Capitalism
    • Based in greed or self interest and competition
  • Capitalism example

    • Shoemaker
  • Market Economy
    • Emphasis on: Individual freedom, Profit as the goal of business, Self interest, Competition is essential and desirable, The economy is not planned and is decentralized
  • Planned Economy
    Emphasis on collectivism and group control, cooperation, equality. Economy is planned from the top down = centralized
  • Planned Economy
    • The Government controls production limits and prices
    • Government policies are put in place to execute economic plans
    • Most economic plans are created by the Government, except for a few sectors
    • Effective and equal economic stability is the objective
    • Central authority distributes the resources at its own will
  • Key idea of Planned Economy
    The government looks at demand and controls supply
  • Donut Economics
    The Doughnut consists of two concentric rings: a social foundation, to ensure that no one is left falling short on life's essentials; and an ecological ceiling, to ensure that humanity does not collectively overshoot the planetary boundaries that protect Earth's life-supporting systems