Sex before and outside of marriage

Cards (7)

  • Adultery
    voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone who is not their spouse (husband or wife).
  • Sex outside marriage
    sex between two people where one or both is married to someone else; adultery; having an affair.
  • 2 arguments in favour of sex before marriage
    Some liberal Christians, such as Quakers, accept that for some people sex before marriage is a valid expression of their love for each other. They would argue that it is about the nature of the relationship and whether the two people are committed to one another and whether they have plans to marry in the future.
    Some liberal Christians may employ situation ethics here as love is the supreme Christian principle. In this way a couple's expression of love through sex may not be seen as sinful
  • 2 arguments against sex before marriage
    Many Christians believe sex expresses a loving lifelong union that first requires the commitment of marriage. They believe it's important to be sexually pure before marriage because having sex is part of the loving relationship developed in marriage and shouldn't be a casual pleasure.
    Many Christians believe it's wrong to use people for sex and irresponsible to spread sexually transmitted infections or risk pregnancy. In the Bible they are encouraged to practice sexual restraint.
  • 2 arguments in favour of sex outside of marriage
    Jesus stopped the stoning of the adulterous woman and told the men 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone'. He forgave the woman but instructed her to leave her life of sin.
    Humanists and atheists do not see marriage as a sacred covenant but as a legal contract. This means they may be more relaxed about casual sex (if it's consensual and doesn't involve exploitation).
  • 2 arguments against sex outside of marriage
    All Christians would agree that adultery is wrong and that they will be judged by God for breaking His commandments. It breaks the promises that Christians couples make before God during their wedding, to forsake all others and be faithful to each other.
    Most humanists and atheists would agree that sex outside marriage would be wrong. This is because it involves breaking trust, commitment and promises made, as well as the emotional consequences of adultery (e.g., for children the couple had).
  • Bible quote on adultery
    'Thou shalt not commit adultery'- one of ten commandments. This should not be broken