effects of institutionalisation - romanian orphan study

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  • rutter did the key study for institutionalisation - english and romanian adoptee study
  • institutionalisation - effects of living in institutional setting
  • institution - place, like hospital or orphanage where children live for long, continuous periods of time
  • orphan studies - concern children placed in care because parents can no longer look after them
  • orphan - child whose parents have either died or have abandoned them perminantely
  • orphan studies have been used to research effects of deprivation
  • romania in 1990s was used within key study because it was suitable for effects of institutionalisation for attachment
    • president required romanian women to have 5 children - many parents could not afford to keep their children so then they ended up having put their children in huge orphanages with poor conditions
    • after 1989 revolution - many children were adopted by british parents
  • key study - rutter - english and romanian adoptee study
    • aimed to investigate extent to which poor early experiences in institutions affect individuals long term development + if good care can make up for poor early experiences
  • procedure for romanian adoptee study - rutter
    • followed 166 romanian orphans adopted to britian
    • physical, cognitive and emotional development was assessed at ages 4,6,11,15
    • control group = 52 british children adopted around same time
  • findings for Romanian adoptee study - rutter
    • when first arriving to UK - hald adoptees showed signs of delayed intellectual development + malnourished
    • age 11 - adopted children showed differential rates or recovery that related to their age of adoption - adopted before 6 months (IQ of 102), adopted between 6 months and 2 years (IQ of 86), adopted after 2 years (IQ of 77)
    • those adopted after 6 months showed signs of disinhibited attachment
    • those adopted before 6 months rarely displayed disinhibited attachment
  • additional findings from rutters adoptee study
    • most children showed signs of retardation when arrived
    • most adopted before 6 months caught up with control group by age 4
    • appears damage to intellectual development as result of institutionalisation can be recovered providing adoption takes place before 6 months
  • disinhibited attachment
    • result of spending time in institution
    • individuals are EQUALLY friendly and affectionate towards people they know and those that they have just met - unusual behaviour due to no signs of stranger anxiety
    • rutter explained disinhibited attachment is adaption to living with multiple caregivers during sensitive period which attachment formation would occur
    • in institutions - orphans had up to 50 carers who they wont see often enough to form secure attachment
  • conclusion to rutters romanian adoptee study
    • poor early experiences in institution appears to have affect on long term development
    • if child receives good care early on (before 6 months) then effects can be limited or removed
  • evaluation points for effects of institutionalisation
    • individual differences
    • real life application
    • longitudinal studies
    • lacks generalisability
  • individual differences (-) as eval point for effects of institutionalisation
    • criticism of institutionalisation research - individual differences of those studied plays important role - not considered
    • research suggests individuals who dont form attachment in sensitive period - unable to recover (attachment no longer able to form) - not true for all children
    • some children are less affected by institutionalism - potential of them receiving special attention (result of smiling) - stronger attachment bond
    • theory cant be applied to every orphan as result of individual differences - not universal
  • real life application (+) as eval point for effects of institutionalisation
    • using study of romanian orphans - increases understanding of effects institutions have on people
    • improvements in how children are cared for in institutions - been implemented
    • example - awareness of effects institutions have on attachment - children in care now only have 1/2 key workers who play central role in childs care - change allows child to develop normal attachments and avoid disinhibited
    • research studies beneficial as allow researchers to recommend positive changes - allowed changes to support attachment
  • longitudinal studies (+) effects of institutionalisation
    • strength of romanian orphan studies is that they were longitudinal research into effects of institutionalisation
    • in rutters ERA study - childrens development was tracked over 11 years
    • tracking progress over time allows researchers to see both short and long term effects institutions had on individuals
    • completing longitudinal study - allows us to understand the effects of institutionalism at different points across life - e.g. seeing development of IQ over years
  • lacks generalisability (-)
    • romanian studies lack generalisability due to severity of conditions such institutions in romania are in - levels of care usually poorer and does not apply to all cases equally
    • differing variables (extreme poor conditions) limits generalisability