The mushaf (Qur'an) that Abu Bakr prepared was done so with the agreement of the saḥābah and in the exact order of sūrahs and verses as instructed by the Prophet
After the passing of the Prophet, the issue of different dialects grew to become a significant problem, especially in the generation that came after him (known as the tābi'ün)
The passing of time has only confirmed the truth of Allah's promise to preserve the Qur'an: "Indeed, it is We who revealed the Message [Qur'an], and it is We who will protect it" (15:9)
Angel Jibril would come to him in angel or human form with a revelation and recite it to him
Prophet would memorise what was written to him
Prophet would select some companions (kuttab al-wahy) to write what was recited to him
Revelations written on different materials like bones, leaves, stones and animal skins
Prophet would tell companions which surah the ayahs belonged to
By the end of this phase the Quran was written on a collection of different materials
Important kuttab-al-wahy
Abu Bakr
Uthman b. Affan
Zayd ibn. Thabit
The time of Abu Bakr
During Battle of Yamama many people who had memorised the Quran (hafiz) martyred
Umar noticed + told Abu Bakr if they didn't do something about the Quran then everyone who had knew it would eventually die and the Quran would be lost
Abu Bakr hesitant since the Prophet never said for this to happen but Umar convinced him
Went to Zayd ibn. Thabit and asked him manage project and compile Quran into one place
Zayd ibn. Thabit also reluctant but eventually accepted
Took Zayd ibn. Thabit 7 months to compile Quran into a book as it was a meticulous process