The Prophet: '"[A servant] will not move on the Day of Judgement until they are asked: how they lived their life; how [well] they practised what they knew; how they earnt their wealth and how they spent it; and how they used their body."'
Islām encourages all Muslims to be charitable; to spend on those who are in need; to spend in the path of Allah - such as religious education or the building and upkeep of masajid; and to spend on public welfare by building wells to provide water, for example
The Prophet: '"If any Muslim plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, human or animal eats from [the produce], it shall be counted as charity (sadaqah) from them."'
A Muslim is forbidden from obtaining wealth through haram (unlawful) means, such as money obtained by harming others, or through other forbidden actions
Ensuring one earns a ḥālāl income is not only a moral duty, but also spiritually significant for a Muslim, because the acceptance of one's du'a's and deeds may depend on it
Gambling may seem like an easy way of increasing one's wealth, but the way the system is set-up means the chances of losing always far outweigh that of winning
Gambling is now easier than ever to engage in due to gambling online. Therefore, greater caution should be exercised by educating oneself about the dangers associated with gambling and addiction
The sacrifice of an animal that needs to be performed on the day of Eid al-Adha, which is wājib (mandatory) for those adults who have wealth (defined by nişāb)
An obligatory amount of charity that is paid on Eid al-Fitr for those who have wealth (defined by nişāb). The amount is paid for both adults and children.
The sacrifice of an animal that needs to be performed on the day of Eid al-Adha. The sacrifice is wājib (mandatory) for those adults who have wealth (defined by nişāb).
It is preferable to pay before one leaves for Eid şalāh, and it must be paid by the end of the day of Eid. One should also allow enough time for it to be distributed to the poor.
The Prophet set the amount as one sã' of dates or barley for every Muslim adult and child. Şa was a small container holding approximately 3 litres in volume.
When calculating Zakāt al-fitr, one should try to do so in a way that maximises the benefit for the poor, rather than basing it on a calculation that results in the lowest amount payable.
Preferably should be performed after Eid salāh on 10th Dhū 'l-Hijjah, although it can also be performed on the 11th or up to sunset of 12th Dhū 'l-Hijjah.