Strange situation

Cards (10)

  • Strange Situation

    Procedure used to assess the quality of a baby's attachment to their caregiver
  • Strange Situation procedure
    1. Caregiver and baby are observed in a quite controlled environment
    2. Psychologists observe the baby's behaviour when the caregiver leaves and returns
    3. Aim is to measure the security of the baby's attachment to the caregiver
  • Strange Situation

    • Allows the baby to feel confident to explore the environment
    • Allows the baby to make them feel safe and secure when the caregiver is present
    • Causes the baby to experience some anxiety when a caregiver leaves
    • Allows the baby to show relief and a desire for proximity when the caregiver returns
  • Secure attachment
    Baby uses the caregiver as a secure base to explore the environment
  • Insecure-avoidant attachment
    Baby does not seek proximity or contact with the caregiver when they return, and may even actively avoid them
  • Insecure-resistant attachment

    Baby shows distress and difficulty being comforted when the caregiver returns
  • The Strange Situation has good predictive validity, as it predicts aspects of the baby's later development
  • Babies assessed as securely attached (Type B) tend to have better outcomes in later childhood and adulthood
  • The Strange Situation has good inter-rater reliability, with trained observers agreeing on attachment type in 94% of cases
  • The Strange Situation may be culture-bound, as it was developed in Western contexts and may not be valid in other cultures where mother-baby separation is very rare