3.1.2 Business growth

Cards (10)

  • Organic growth (AKA internal growth):
    Growing a business without a merger or takeover.
    E.g. selling in new markets, developing new products, etc.
  • Non-organic growth (AKA external growth):
    Growth through a merger or a takeover.
    In a merger, the directors and shareholders of both firms agree that it is in their interest to join together.
    A takeover can be amicable or hostile.
  • Horizontal integration (merger):

    A merger between two firms in the same industry at the same stage of production (e.g. two car manufacturers).
  • Vertical integration (merger):

    A merger between two firms in the same industry at different stages of production.
    Forward vertical integration involves one firm integrating with another firm in a stage of production closer to the consumer (e.g. a car manufacturer merging with a car dealership).
    Backwards vertical integration involves a firm integrating with another firm in a stage of production further away from the consumer.
  • Conglomerate merger:

    The merging of two firms in different industries with no common interest.
  • Adv (+) and disadv (-) of organic growth
    (+) Less risky
    (+) Maintain brand image
    (+) Can be less expensive than inorganic growth
    (-) Slower growth
    (-) Lack of shared expertise
  • Adv (+) and disadv (-) of horizontal integration
    (+) Economies of scale
    (+) Reduce competition
    (+) Growing in a market where the business is already successful makes horizontal mergers less risky than other types of mergers
    (-) Diseconomies of scale
    (-) Clash of cultures
    (-) CMA may block merger if it leads to too much monopoly power
  • Adv (+) and disadv (-) of vertical integration
    (+) Greater control over suppliers of raw materials. Could reduce costs and increase quality (backwards)
    (+) Greater control over how the product is marketed/sold (forward)
    (-) Diseconomies of scale
    (-) Clash of cultures
    (-) Managers may not have expertise in the new part of the business
  • Adv (+) and disadv (-) of conglomerate merger
    (+) Reduced risk by operating in different markets
    (+) Can use knowledge from different markets
    (-) Less likely to benefit from economies of scale compared to other forms of merger
    (-) Clash of cultures
  • What are the constraints on business growth?
    -Size of the market
    -Access to finance
    -Owner objectives