3.1.3 Demergers

Cards (5)

  • Demerger:

    When a business sells off one or more of the businesses it owns into a separate company.
    E.g. Lloyds TSB banking group demerging to form Lloyds and TSB.
  • Reasons for a demerger
    -Cultural differences
    -Creating more focussed firms (e.g. when a conglomerate sells off part of the business to focus on core activities)
    -Protecting the value of the firm
    -Reducing diseconomies of scale
    -Raising finance
    -To meet the requirements of regulators
  • Impacts of demergers on businesses
    -Reduced diseconomies of scale
    -Allows managers to focus on the core business
    -Remove loss-making parts of the business
    -Raise funds by selling part of the business
  • Impacts of demergers on workers
    -Increased job security if loss-making parts of the business are demerged
    -Reduced conflict between cultures
    -There may be job losses as now fewer employees are needed
  • Impacts of demergers on consumers
    -More firms in the market results in increased competition, lower prices and increased consumer surplus
    -If firms focus on the core of their business they may be able to deliver higher quality