3.2.1 Business objectives

Cards (7)

  • Objectives of businesses
    1. Profit maximisation (MC=MR)
    2. Revenue maximisation (MR=0)
    3. Sales maximisation (AR=AC)
    3. Profit satisficing
  • Profit maximisation:
    Producing the quantity of output that results in maximum profits (this occurs where MC=MR).
    Profit maximisation is also where the difference between TR and TC (or AR and AC) is the greatest.
  • Why do some firms have profit max as an objective?
    -Benefits shareholders of a business as profits can be paid to shareholders in the form of dividends.
    -Therefore profit max is more likely if there's no divorce of ownership and control (e.g. in a small business).
  • Revenue maximisation:
    Producing the quantity of output that results in maximum revenue (this occurs when MR=0).
    -Firms may pursue this objective if managers' pay is linked to rev targets
    -Revenue max means lower prices & profits compared to profit max -> less likely to attract attention of competition authorities
  • Sales maximisation:
    Producing the quantity of output that maximises sales without making a loss (this occurs where AR=AC).
    -Managers may have sales targets, can maximise their own incomes if the business is run to maximise sales.
    -Sales max also involves selling at a lower price than either profit max or rev max -> deter new entrants from joining market
  • Profit satisficing:
    Making sufficient profit to satisfy shareholders.
    -Managers may compromise by producing an output between profit max and sales max (profit satisficing); occurs due to divorce of ownership from control (if owners had control then profit max would have been the likely objective).
  • What does a firms' objectives depend on?
    -Who has control - E.g. small firms -> no divorce of ownership from control -> profit max is more likely
    -Public vs private sector - Public sector unlikely to max profits
    -Degree of contestability - E.g. monopolies may not wish to profit maximise if they're in a highly contestable market.