line 5-6: tall walls wall me, with strong drugs dope me, with wise lies lure me,
the speaker seeks protection from war/addiction
assonance/alliteration - creates a child like, nursery rhyme tone but also anger at the human race, it sounds like the words are being spitted out.
the asyndetic listing, the fears and potential of human harm is endless, the torture goes from mental to physical
walls wall me - fear of claustrophobia, wall is used as a verb, but also a metaphor from the wall of war and the separation of countries, knowledge and cultures
drugs dope - makes a person less likely to challenge and more stupid.
wise lies lure me - the fear of manipulation and the oxymoron of wise lies, coupled with the internal rhyme creates a fragile/naive tone. lure could imply the innocent populaiton being lured into corruption.