
Cards (16)

  • Blessing (title)
    a fortunate unexpected event, a gift from god, has a luck element.
  • the skin cracks like a pod
    monosyllabic verb - pain/difficulty/ how quickly suffering can be enforced

    simile - fragility, dryness

    definite article (the) - mentions a specific group, not everyone

    harsh consonants - reflect the intensity of the sun/dehydration
  • there never is enough water
    end stopped line, not grammatically correct but brings emphasis to the adverb never as it highlights the problem at hand.
  • Imagine the drip of it the small splash,
    hypothetical imperative to encourge empathy. onomatopoeia and sibilance, it is special, precious; a blessing.

    caesura - lethargy and pain is reflected, slow pace.

    monosyllabic - severe dehydration, the water supply is that small
  • echo in a tin mug, the voice of a kindly god.
    enjambment, it is empty
    a semantic field of god and religion. a metaphor for how highly regarded, the sound of water is, it is comparable to the voice of a kindly god.

    it is sacred to receive water, scarcity is an extended metaphor.
  • sometimes, the sudden rush of fortune.
    sometimes - time marker = precious/a blessing
    fortune = valuable
    enjambment - flow of water
  • the municipal pipe bursts, silver crashes to the ground.
    colour of water = value
    associated with riches/a precious metal
    volta - creates tension
    violent verbs/creates tension
  • flow has found ... a roar of tongues. a congregation, every woman .... butts in , with pots, coper,, aluminum, plastic buckets and frantic hands
    alliteration - sudden rush
    enjambment - chaos of an uncontrollable flowing tap
    a roar - violent, a metaphor showing desperation
    congregation - water is celebrated as if it is a god, the people are very grateful
    copper/aluminum - cheaper metals which contrast silver, a reminder of poverty
    asyndetic listing - frantic movements = excitement + chaos
  • and naked children
    screaming in the liquid sun
    their highlights polished to perfection,
    adj. (naked) + P.C.V = a break from reality, innocence/enjoyment
    liquid sun - figurative language/metaphor which expresses the sun's reflection in water. and is a reminder of the sun that causes 'cracks like a pod' in the opening line, reminders of poverty exist even in celebratory times. this is just a temporary moment.
  • flashing light, as the blessing sings over thier small bones
    personification of god/the blessing of water
    small - vulnerability and a reminder of poverty
  • themes ?

    Encouraging the reader to reflect
  • theme in stanza 1-2
    images of suffering
    sets the scene/background of the poem
  • focus/theme in stanza 3
    longer stanza length as time slows and it is the moment they want to remember the most so more details are given. a more action packed, climactic moment with excitement
  • theme in stanza 4
    blessing giving temporary relief
    a reminder of poverty
    reality seeps through = hoplessness
  • compare to
    war photographer, search for my tongue, prayer before birth
  • free verse + unequal stanza length
    the flow of water and the lack of governmental ruling in the unofficial settlement.