-245,000 casualties, men could not move in the mud, some drowned. It also make it difficult to transport solders and could lead to infection, also due to destruction of roads
CCS is a military medical facility behind the front lines that is used to treat wounded soldiers. A CCS would usually be located just beyond the range of enemy artillery and often near transportation facilities (e.g., a railway).
-dealt with thousands of casualities.
-Had 7 Doctors and other nurses to perform operations.
The Regimental Aid Post was situated just behind the front line, often in dug outs or cellars in the rear trench system, and was the first stage in the evacuation of the wounded. provided emergency care only
The Base Hospital was part of the casualty evacuation chain, further back from the front line than the Casualty Clearing Stations. It was often near railway lines to ensure the eased transportation of shoulders.