paris peace conference

Cards (10)

  • Over 30 countries were represented at Versailles but only 3 really counted-Britain, France and the USA
  • Key areas for discussion at the Paris Peace Conference
    • What should happen to the Kaiser?
    • What should happen to Germany's colonies?
    • Powers of League of Nations
    • The German army
    • Countries in Eastern Europe
    • How much land to lose?
    • Should Germany be blamed?
    • Reparations
  • What should happen to the Kaiser?
    1. Some of the British wanted him hanged
    2. Holland refused to give him up and he was allowed to stay living there
  • What should happen to Germany's colonies?
    1. The Big Three agreed to take Germany's colonies away
    2. German colonies became mandates controlled by the LON
  • Powers of League of Nations
    Clemenceau wanted a strong League with an army but Britain and USA did not want to send their soldiers to fight in such conflicts. This meant the LON did not have its own army
  • The German army
    1. They agreed to reduce the size of the German army
    2. Britain and USA were worried Communists could take over Germany. France wanted Germany to be fully reduced in power
  • Countries in Eastern Europe
    1. Wilson had promised an independent Poland
    2. The Allies also agreed to give independence to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, states which Germany took from Russia in 1918
  • How much land to lose?
    1. The two main areas of disagreement were over The Rhineland and the Saar
    2. France wanted the Rhineland to be an independent country and France wanted control of the Saar
  • All of the Big Three agreed that Germany should be blamed for starting World War One and therefore should face punishment
  • Reparations
    1. The Big Three agreed Germany should pay reparations but they could not agree on a figure
    2. A special commission was given two years to decide on the amount to be paid