David Lloyd George was not content with the treaty saying 'We will have to fightanotherwar in 25years time, and at 3 times the cost!'
DLG thought reparations were too harsh, did not want to cripple Germany as it was a viable tradingpartner
Clemenceau was angry Germany retained the Rhineland and that France hadn't gained Saar permanently
The rival RepublicanParty utilised the TOV to criticise Woodrow Wilson
USsenate refused to ratify (formally agree to) the treaty so the US never joined the League of Nations
Woodrow Wilson died in 1924 and the policy of isolationism dominated US politics
Some of the American public thought WW had helped Britain and France become rich at Germany's expense
French public unhappy that the TOV wasn't tougher, this was shown by Clemenceau losing the election shortly after - they no longer viewed him as a strong leader
German people referred to the TOV as a diktat
A British author and economist called JohnMaynardKeynes wrote a bestselling book called TheEconomicConsequencesofthePeace and stated emphasis should have been on rebuilding Europe following war. Helped turn public opinion against TOV.
ArchbishopofCanterbury said he was 'very uncomfortable' with the treaty
In Germany flags flew at halfmast across the country - mourning