ops on tov

Cards (12)

  • David Lloyd George was not content with the treaty saying 'We will have to fight another war in 25 years time, and at 3 times the cost!'
  • DLG thought reparations were too harsh, did not want to cripple Germany as it was a viable trading partner
  • Clemenceau was angry Germany retained the Rhineland and that France hadn't gained Saar permanently
  • The rival Republican Party utilised the TOV to criticise Woodrow Wilson
  • US senate refused to ratify (formally agree to) the treaty so the US never joined the League of Nations
  • Woodrow Wilson died in 1924 and the policy of isolationism dominated US politics
  • Some of the American public thought WW had helped Britain and France become rich at Germany's expense
  • French public unhappy that the TOV wasn't tougher, this was shown by Clemenceau losing the election shortly after - they no longer viewed him as a strong leader
  • German people referred to the TOV as a diktat
  • A British author and economist called John Maynard Keynes wrote a bestselling book called The Economic Consequences of the Peace and stated emphasis should have been on rebuilding Europe following war. Helped turn public opinion against TOV.
  • Archbishop of Canterbury said he was 'very uncomfortable' with the treaty
  • In Germany flags flew at halfmast across the country - mourning