Cognitive interview

Cards (13)

  • What is it ?

    more effective and accurate
    • a method of ingerviewing witnesses to help them improve the retrieval of accurate memories by letting them talk freely
  • What are the 4 stages ?
    1. Report everything
    2. reinstate the context
    3. reverse the order
    4. change perspective
  • what is report everything ?
    • every detail given regardless of how irrelevant or not bc of identity about
    • can trigger more important memories
  • What is reinstate the context ?
    • return to the original crime scene in mind
    • imagine sights, smells l, weather, hear, emotions
    • leads to context and state dependent cues
  • What is reverse the order ?
    • recall events not in chronological ordeprevents schemas from interfering
  • What is change the perspective?
    • ask witness to recall from other perspectives
    • disrupts expectations/ schemas on recall
  • What is the advanced cognitive interview ?
    • developed additional elements to focus’s on the social dynamic of the interaction
  • What does the advanced interview involve ?
    • know when to have eye contact
    - reduce eye witness anxiety
    - speak slowly
    - ask open ended questions
  • What was the standard interview ?
    • police ask questions + witness answers them
    • questions don’t flow in Same order as the events in the witness head
    • don’t allow them to talk freely
  • What are negatives of standard interview ?
    • leading questions
    • might miss out on import info as not directly asked or disrupted
    • lose concentration
    • give short answers (lack detail )
  • Evaluation of cognitive interview ?
    1. practical application (court)
    2. meta analysis
    3. time consuming
  • meta analysis
    • 50 studies on cognitive interview provided more correct info than standard
  • Time consuming ?
    • specialist training
    • can’t alwyas use
    • pp must be comfortable talking