
    Subdecks (6)

    Cards (113)

    • What is the sensory register ?
      • info is held at the 5 senses
      • each sense has its own store
    • What are the two main stores involved in the sensory register?

      icohic- visual -coded visually
      ecohoc- sound- coded acoustically
    • What is the duration and capacity of the sensory register ?

      duration - fraction of a second
      capacity- massive
      must pay attention to info to pass into stm
    • what is short term memory ?
      • used for immediate responses
      • active (changeing) systems
    • stm…
      capacity ?
      duration ?
      coded ?
      Capacity - 7+-2
      duration - 15-30 seconds
      coded- acoustically
    • What is maintenance rehearsal ?

      Repeating information to maintain it in short-term memory.
    • How does info move from stm to ltm?
      If rehearsed long enough
    • What is long term memory ?

      Permanent store for info that has been rehearsed
      gone through two stores before
    • What is the duration, capacity, and coding of ltm ?

      duration - unlimited
      capacity- unlimited
    • What study is for duration of LTM?
      Bahrick et al 1975
      • 392 pp from america Ohio aged 17-74
      • High school year books- recall tested in two ways
      1. photo recognition( name list + photo)
      2. free recall (just photos)
    • What did Barhick find ?
      Within 15 years - 90% + 60%
      within 48 years- 60% + 20%
    • Who studied duration of STM ?

      Peterson &Peterson
      • 24 undergrad students
      • 8 trials-each pp given a trigram and a 3 digit number to remember
      • asked to count back from 3 digit number( stops rehearsal)
      • each trial asked to stop counting at different times going up in 3’s
    • What were Peterson & Peterson findings ?
      3 seconds -80% remember
      18 seconds- 12% remember
    • Who researched coding ?
      Baddely -1966
      • 72 male + female uni students
      • list of words to 4 groups to remember
      • lists were acoustically and semantically similar or dissimilar
      • shown original words + asked to recall in order
    • What were barely results on coding
      When asked to recall STM struggles with acoustically similar
      when asked to recall LTM struggles with semantically similar
      shows different systems code differently
    • Who studies capacity ?
      • people learn things in 5’s
      • pp asked to remember lists of either ( trigrams, musical tones, patterns of dots)
      • asked to recall in order
    • What did miller find ?
      pp could list 5-9 items before making a mistake
      found capacity could be increased through chunking
    • Who disagreed with Miller on capacity ?

      Cowan 2001-
      • capacity was 4 chunks and miller had massively over estimated capacity
    • What is evaluation for MSOM?
      1. Baddely (low ecological validity)
      2. most evidence done in labs
      3. shallice and Warrington - patient Kf had amnesia STM for digits was poor but could understand more when read himself
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