evidence for causes of climate change

Cards (4)

  • atmospheric co2
    • analysed gas composiyion of bubbles formed in ancient ice cores
    • data shows correlation between co2 and temp but no causation
  • average global temperatures
    • trend of increasing global temp
    • corresponds with time in which humans burnt fossil fuels
  • pollen grains preserved in peat bogs
    • peat= compact, partially decomposed organic matter
    • peat cores taken from bog and layers analysed to assess pollen grains trapped
    • pollen grains unique to that plant so plant species growing around bog at diff times identified
    • diff plant species grow under diff climactic conditions, so plants present at different times can be used as a measure of climate at that time
  • dendrochronology
    • tree trunks grow in diameter each growing season as they produce vascular tissue in rings
    • light coloured rings= fast growth in summer/spring
    • dark coloured rings= slow growth in autumn
    • produces a measure of the climate each year of growth and can identify how this is changing