Operant conditioning

Cards (10)

  • What is operant conditioning?
    Learning through consequences
  • State the three types of consequences
    Positive and negative reinforcement and punishment
  • Which two consequences increase the likelihood of behaviour?
    Positive and negative reinforcement
  • Which consequence decreases the likelihood of behaviour?
  • Name the psychologist who investigated operant conditioning
    B.F. Skinner (1938) - Skinner’s rats
  • What was the punishment in Skinner's box?
    Receiving an electric shock if the rat pressed the lever
  • What was the positive reinforcement in Skinner's box?
    Receiving a food pellet when the rat pressed the lever
  • What was the negative reinforcement in Skinner's box?
    Pressing the lever to stop the electric shock
  • What did Skinner find?
    x Positive reinforcement - Rat learnt to press lever if repeatedly given food pellet when they press it x Negative reinforcement - rat learns to press lever if the electric shock repeatedly stops when they press it x Punishment - the rat learns to stop pressing the lever if repeatedly given an electric shock when they press it
  • State one real-life example of operant conditioning
    Gambling, video game addiction, token economy systems