colds, covid and tb are transmitted by airbornedroplets, transmission can be reduced by using a tissue, wearing a mask and ventilating
salmonella and e. coli are transmitted by contaminated food and can be reduced by cooking food properly and preparing raw meat seperately
malaria, plague and rabies are transmitted by insect or animal vectors and to reduce this you can sleep under mosquito nets or kill and avoid the transmitters
hiv is transmitted by cuts or blood and to reduce this you can use cleansyringes and clean cuts
athletes food is transmitted by direct contact and can be reduced by washing hands and wearinggloves
cholera and typhoid are transmitted by contaminatedwater and can be reduced by boiling water before drinking and treatingsewage properly
chlamydia and thrush are transmitted through sexual intercourse and can be reduced by celibacy or using barrier methods
disease can be spread in plants through humans,wind,water,soil, farming machinery, infected plant contact and animals
HIV is caused by a virus and can lead to AIDS
HIV is a mild like flu illness that can damage the immune system
HIV is transmitted through directsexualcontact and exchange of bodily fluid
there is no cure for HIV but to prevent it you can use condoms, not share needles, bottle feed children if you have HIV and there is an antiretroviral drug that can limit effect
measles is caused by a virus
the symptoms of measles include fever, red skin rash, blindness and brain damage
measles is transmitted through the inhilation of droplets from coughs and sneezes
there is no treatment for HIV aside from isolation and a vaccine for young children
TMV is caused by a virus
symptoms of TMV include a mosaic pattern of discolouration on leaves and affects the growth of the plant
TMV is transferred between diseased and non diseased plants and can remain infectious in soil for up to 50 years
there is no treatment for TMV apart from good fieldhygiene and pest control
salmonella is caused by bacteria
symptoms of salmonella include disruption of the balance of natural gut bacteria, fever, abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea
salmonella is transmitted through undercooked food and unhygienic conditions
poultry are vaccinated against salmonella and you should cook chicken thoroughly and keep raw chicken separate
gonorrhoea is caused by bacteria
symptoms of gonorrhoea include long term pelvic pain, infertility, ectopic pregnancies and eye infections
gonorrhoea is transmitted through unprotected sex with an infected person
gonorrhoea used to be cured using penicillin but it is recommended to just use a barrier method
rose black spot is caused by a fungus
the symptoms of rose black spot include purple or black spots on rose leaves, yellow leaves that drop off and the plant does not photosynthesise and flower well
rose black spot is transmitted by the wind and spread over the plant as rain
the treatment of rose black spot includes removing and burning the affected leaves and stems and using chemical fungacides
malaria is caused by protoctista
malaria symptoms include liver damage, damaged blood cells, fever, shaking and weakness
malaria is transmitted through mosquitos that transfer it to the blood stream
malaria can be treaded if found quickly through a combination of drugs and also using mosquito nets and removing standing water
if the bodys immune system is badly damaged by HIV, it can cope with other infections or cancers and at this stage it becomes AIDS