Reflexes & Nervous system

Cards (9)

  • What do all control systems include
    1. Stimulus (changes in the environment)
    2. Receptors (detects stimuli)
    3. Coordination centre (receives and processes information)
    4. Effector (brings about a response)
    5. Response (restores optimum levels)
  • A synapse is a gap between two neurones
  • Nerve signals are transferred chemically across synapses
  • Role of a sensory neurone
    To transfer a signal from a receptor to the CNS
  • Role of motor neurone
    To transfer a signal from the CNS to an effector
  • Role of a relay neurone
    To transfer a signal from a sensory neurone to a motor neurone
  • Describe how a reflex action occurs via a reflex arc
    1. The stimulus is detected by a receptor
    2. An electrical impulse passes along a sensory neurone to the spinal cord
    3. At a synapse between a sensory neurone and a relay neurone, a new impulse is stimulated which passes along the relay neurone
    4. The same process occurs a a synapse between a relay and motor neurone
    5. At the effector, an appropriate response is carried out
  • Reflexes are rapid and automatic
  • The CNS includes the brain and spinal cord