how important is book 11? is it essential?

Cards (13)

  • Odysseus doesn't need to visit the underworld for the purposes of the plot
  • there is no direct consequence to his visit
  • he leaves Circe in bk 10 and returns to her in bk 12
  • she gives him the same advice about his journey as Tiresias gave him
  • Agamemnon gives Odysseus advice to make a secret approach when he returns to Ithaca, but surely he is too clever to need that advice
  • it results in problems of continuity - somebody would've noticed Elpenor's body; Telemachus must be 13, but he is described as 'in peaceful possession of his lands', as though he is much older
  • fits in well with epic, as it is another adventure on a long journey
  • tells us more about Odysseus' character
  • emphasises his heroic qualities: only heroes like Heracles can go down to Hades and return
  • Trojan War heroes are relevant to his past and his heroic status
  • Achilles, Agamemnon, and Ajax are all seen as his close companions
  • explains the presence of the suitors - Laertes has left in despair and so is not in the palace to take control
  • theme linkage of:
    • family - catalogue of women, Tyro, Antoine, Epicaste (Jocasta), Leda, Phaedra all have family problems - compared to Odysseus and Penelope
    • loyalty - Agamemnon and Clytemnestra are compared to Odysseus, highlighting Penelope's loyalty
    • justice - the Suitors will be punished, like Sisyphus and Tantalus
    • storytelling - when Odysseus pauses, the audience ask him to continue. This underlines Odysseus' skill in storytelling
    • value of life - Achilles tells Odysseus that life is precious - he would have anything rather than death