Sin and forgiveness

Cards (43)

  • Absolutism- certain actions which are always right and always wrong
  • Eucharist- Meaning thanksgiving. Name rc's use to describe where bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus
  • Evangelisation- Spreading good news or gospel. Sharing of Gospel and life of Jesus with others
  • Forgiveness- Act of pardoning someone for the offences they have caused you
  • Punishment- consequences of a wrong decision and a penalty imposed by authority on the person who has committed wrongdoing
  • Relativism- no moral law. Rules that govern what are right and wrong are human interventions which changes from place to place and age to age
  • Salvation- Through Jesus' death and resurrection humanity has achieved the possibility of life forever with God
  • Sin- Acting against will or laws of God
  • Absolute morality-
    • Person holds a principle and never alters it such as 'stealing is wrong'
    • Applies to all situations no matter what circumstance e.g. no stealing even if you are starving
  • Relative morality-
    • Moral principle can be applied and adjusted to certain situations
    • Example stealing is wrong but you can steal if you are starving
  • Deterrence-
    • Discourage or put someone of committing a crime
    • Seeing a criminal punished might deter someone else from doing same thing
    • Deterrence does not work, people are not discouraged to commit crime by the punishment
    • Deterrence has to be just, punishments should be no harsher than they need to be to put potential criminals off
  • Retribution-
    • Idea that punishment should make criminals pay for what they have done wrong
    • Makes victim of crime feel sense of justice that offender got what they deserved
    • Supports OT ' an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth'
    • Does not reflect Jesus' teaching 'turn the other cheek' and not seek revenge
    • Victims feel criminals do not get severe enough punishment or punishment too harsh
    • For christians punishment has to be connected to justice not revenge
  • Rehabilitation-
    • Punishment should help offender see what they have done wrong and want to change their behaviour so they do not repeat offence
    • Offenders provided with education, counselling, skills or training so they become productive members of community again
    • Rehabilitation support christian ideas of forgiveness
    • Some people see it as being too soft on criminal and not punishment at all
  • Rc teaching about forgiveness-
    • Parable of unmerciful servant - 'Lord how many times should i forgive my brother who sins against me' Jesus basically says there is no limit to forgiveness
    • Lord's prayer - Christians ask God to 'forgive their sins as they forgive those who have sinned against them' Can't receive Gods mercy if they are not forgiving to others
    • Jesus forgives adulterous woman 'go and sin no more'
  • Rc teaching on capital punishment-
    • St Augustine says we need to seek other punishments if at all possible 'we would prefer to have set them free'
    • Pope St John Paul in Evangelium Vitae said CP should be avoided unless it is the only way to defend society from offender
    • Pope Francis said he is against death penalty ' no longer justifiable and there is also possibility wrong person might be killed'
  • Christian teaching for capital punishment-
    • Jesus never taught death penalty was wrong
    • OT teaches that death penalty should be used for some crimes 'he who sheds blood of man, shall have his blood shed' Gen
    • Some christians argue death penalty upholds commandment 'Do not kill' by showing seriousness of murder as crime
    • St Paul teaches Christians should accept and obey laws of their country, which might include death penalty
  • Christian teaching against capital punishment-
    • Jesus came to save sinners. you cannot reform a dead person
    • 'Do not kill'
    • Jesus said revenge is wrong, Jesus said 'turn the other cheek'
    • All life is sacred. Only God has right to give and take life away
    • St Augustine says we should try and use other forms of punishment if possible
    • Message of Christianity is love and forgiveness CP goes against this
    • Innocent can be accidently punished
  • Non religious views on Capital punishment-
    • For:
    • Retribution part of punishment, only retribution for murder is death penalty
    • Human life is so important
    • CP acts as good deterrent
    • Against:
    • Wrongly accused prisoners can be released, but not if they have been given CP
    • Statistics show that countries without CP have lower murder rates than those who have it
    • Murders regard life imprisonment worse than death
  • Role and grace in redemption-
    • Grace is love and mercy shown by God because God wants people to have it not because they have done anything to deserve it
    • Grace is free and undeserved gift from God
    • Grace comes about in a special way 7 sacraments which Rcs believe is an encounter with God
  • Life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus-
    • By sacrificing his life Jesus 'paid the price' for human sin, humans can't do this themselves as they are sinners
    • Jesus earned salvation for humans by suffering this punishment Jesus is saviour of world
    • Jesus' death sacrifice to make up for human sin
    • Jesus was divine, sacrifice restored human relationship with God for all time
  • Nature of Church- one:
    • Because of its founder Jesus who came to reconcile and unite all human kind through his death, taking away their sins
    • Because of its soul holy spirit dwells in the souls of the faithful
    • Church is united in Body of Christ
  • Nature of Church - Holy
    • Believe Jesus is source of all holiness
    • Jesus makes Church holy, church makes people holy
    • Done through Jesus' teaching, prayer and worship
  • Nature of church- catholic
    • Church is catholic universal or whole
    • Church has task of delivering message of Jesus to the whole world
    • Church is for everyone
  • Nature of Church- apostolic
    • Jesus founded the Church and gave authority to his disciples
    • Jesus entrusted a special authority to St Peter the 1st Pope
  • Mary-
    • True disciple of Jesus
    • Spent entire life dedicated to Jesus
    • When she was told she was going to be mother of Christ accepted joyfully and willingly
    • Makes her a role model and a guide to way Christians should serve God
    • Without Mary there would be no Jesus
  • Mary- Faith
    • Total faith in God and her Son
    • Did not question god when she was told she was going to have a child even though she was a virgin
    • At end did not desert her son but was one of few followers that followed him to foot of the cross
  • Mary- Charity
    • Gave her entire life to God and showed kindness and compassion
    • This is how Christians should live their lives
  • Church as Body of Christ-
    • Rcs consider themselves physical form of Jesus on earth
    • Shows Jesus is still active in the world and it did not end with his death
    • Rcs believe Jesus lives on through his followers and the Church
    • United with one another at baptism, they become part of his body
    • Eucharist central to RC faith
    • When receiving body and blood of christ this gives strength to be followers of Christ in the world
  • Architectural features of Rc churches-
    • Towers and steeples represent prayer and worship rising to heaven, sign of what takes place inside building
    • Churches often tall with domes, creates space which is pointing up showing connection with God and heaven
    • Common for Churches to be cruciform signifies importance of death of Jesus
    • Stained glass windows depict stories from Bible and Saints
  • Sacred objects in church represent salvation- altar:
    • Liturgy of Eucharist takes place here
    • Priest consecrate the bread and wine at altar
    • Congregation receive body and blood of Christ at the altar
    • Altar reminds Rcs of sacrifice and death of Jesus on the cross
    • Altar candles represent belief Jesus is light of world
  • Sacred objects in church represent salvation- Baptismal font:
    • Where baptisms performed
    • First sacrament by which person becomes a Christian
    • Font linked to salvation because its a sign of cleansing original sin and promising to live life that is faithful to Jesus
  • Sacred objects in church represent salvation- crucifix:
    • Reminder of suffering and death of Jesus
    • Rcs believe death of Jesus was the price he paid for their salvation
    • Rcs believe Jesus died for them to pay for their sins so they can have eternal life
  • Sacrament-
    • It is 'an outward sign of an inward grace'
    • Recieving sacraments build relationship with Gid
  • Baptism- sacrament
    • First step into lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship
    • At service water poured on baby's head while priest says 'I baptise you in the name of the Father, Son and holy spirit'
    • Meaning- person being baptised becomes part of family of God
    • Takes away original sin and gives new birth in holy spirit
    • Sign is pouring of the water
  • Confirmation- sacrament
    • Usually performed by Bishop
    • Signs are laying on of hands on a person's head and anointing oil
    • Meaning:
    • Completes sacrament of baptism
    • Gives strength to follow Jesus and become involved in mission left to the Church
  • Eucharist- sacrament
    • At last supper Jesus took bread and wine and asked his followers 'do this in memory of me'
    • Sign are bread and wine received at Mass- body and blood of Christ
    • Meaning:
    • Believe eucharist is both sacrifice and a meal
    • Believe in real presence of Jesus who died for humanity's sins
    • As they receive body and blood they are fed spiritually
  • Penance- sacrament
    • Signs are confession of sins and priest's words of absolution
    • Meaning:
    • Expressing sorrow for sins, Rcs experience God's forgiveness and healing
    • Relationship with God and unity as a Church is made whole again
  • Anointing of the sick- sacrament
    • Individual is anointed with oil and receives laying of the hands from a priest
    • Meaning:
    • Unites sick person's suffering with that of Jesus and brings forgiveness of sins
    • Brings strength in illness, comfort from suffering and prepares those close to death to meet God
  • Holy Orders- sacrament
    • Sign are laying on of hands and anointing oil by bishop
    • Meaning:
    • Priest serves as spiritual leaders of their community
    • When ordained people follow Christ in their ministry of service they act in place of Christ
    • One way Gods presence is known
  • Marriage- sacrament
    • Couple give the sacrament to each other
    • Wedding ring and vows are signs
    • Meaning:
    • Baptised man and women are united as a sign of unity between Jesus and his Church
    • God is present through the couple's lifelong love and commitment to each other