the structure of the Odyssey

Cards (35)

  • 2. Eurycleia is bought as a slave (1)
  • 3. they have a son, Odysseus (19)
  • 4. Eurycleia is his nurse (19)
  • 5. as a young man, Odysseus goes on a boar hunt and is wounded on his foot (19)
  • 6. he has a dog called Argus (17)
  • 7. he is given a bow which is special to him and which he keeps safely locked away in Ithaca (21)
  • 8. he marries Penelope (2)
  • 9. he builds a special bed, constructed round an olive tree (23)
  • 10. Telemachus is born (4)
  • 11. he leaves for Troy, telling Penelope that she is to remarry if he has not returned by the time Telemachus become a man (18)
  • 12. he devises the wooden horse trick (8)
  • 13. other Greek leaders (Nestor and Menelaus) arrive home (3/4)
  • 14. Agamemnon is killed by his wife (1,4,11)
  • 15. Odysseus travels and has adventures (9-12)
  • 16. He is eventually washed up on Ogygia, where he stays for 7 years (5)
  • 17. in year 4 of his stay on Ogygia, the Suitors move into the palace (11)
  • 18. Telemachus is grown up and in despair (1)
  • 19. Penelope has to choose a husband from the Suitors (1)
  • 20. Athene asks for Odysseus to be released (1/5)
  • 21. Telemachus visits Nestor and Telemachus, looking for news of his father (3/4)
  • 22. Odysseus is released (5)
  • 23. Odysseus gets to the Phaeacians and receives Xenia (6-13)
  • 24. Odysseus ploys to kill the suitors and then does so (13-23)
  • 26. peace is restored in Ithaca (24)
  • year of absence 1-3

    told is flashback books
  • year of absence 4-10
    7 years hidden by Calypso. No information except for the last few days
  • year of absence 10
    from Ogygia to Scherie
    from Scherie to Ithaca
  • time of 1-4
    6 days: Telemachus goes to Pylos and Sparta
  • time of 5-12

    28 days: 4 days of raft building (1 line); 17 days at sea (1 line); 3 days of storms and swimming & 3 days with Phaeacians (7 books)
  • time of 13-23
    7 days
  • time of 13

    1 days - Odysseus wakes up on Ithaca and talks to Athene
  • time of 14-15
    2 days - Telemachus returns
  • time of 16
    1 day: Telemachus and Odysseus meet
  • time of 17-23
    2 days: Odysseus at the palace
  • time of 24
    1 day: Odysseus meets him father