Cards (21)

  • once the neighbours of the Cyclopes
  • Cyclopes taken advantage of their greater strength to ravage their land
  • Phaeacians fled to Scherie, a land far from ordinary people
  • not known in any other myths
  • Homer may have invented it as a bridge between fantasy world of the travels and reality of Ithaca
  • Nausicaa tells Odysseus that their land is remote and they don't come into contact with anyone else
  • stark contrast in xenia to Cyclopes and Suitors - both despise xenia laws
  • idyllic country with flowing lands and a constant supply of perfect fruit
  • city is beautiful with its lavishly decorated palace, a meeting place with marble seats, and fine temples
  • their civilisation is refined, with banquets, a bard and elegant dancing
  • don't have bows or quivers
  • spend their time sailing
  • ships even guide themselves
  • women are outstandingly skilled at the loom and very intelligent
  • domestic life is harmonious - seen by kindly Alcinous, his wool-making wife, Arete, their godlike sons and the smart Nausicaa
  • Odysseus is warned to keep himself out of view - people have little affection for strangers
  • great sailors but have no contact with other peoples
  • temple is dedicated to Poseidon
  • when Odysseus arrives as a suppliant, Alcinous has to be reminded that a suppliant shouldn't be left sitting in the hearth
  • Arete insists that Odysseus secure his treasure lest the Phaeacian crew steal something
  • Alcinous announces that the gifts will have to be paid for through a collection from the people