Sonority is the amount of acoustic energy a sound has; the relative loudness of a speech sound.
Syllable is a peak of sonority that is surrounded by less sonorous sounds.
TheAirstream mechanism
StateoftheVocal Cord
Mannerof Articulation
Place of Articulation is the point of contact, where the obstruction occurs in the vocal tract between an active, moving articulator and a passive articulator.
Places of Articulation parts:
A) Dental
B) Labiodental
C) Bilabial
D) Alveolar
E) Post-Alveolar
F) Palatal
G) Velar
H) Glottal
Bilabial - Formed by a closure of the lips
Labiodental - Lower lip touching the upper front teeth
Interdental - Placing the tips of the tongue between the upper & lower teeth
Alveolars - Tongue against or close to the alveolar ridge
Palatal - Raising the blade, or front of the tongue toward or against the hard palate just behind the alveolar ridge.
Velar - Raising the back of the tongue to the soft palate or velum
Uvulars - The back of the tongue against or near the uvula, that is, further back in the mouth than velar consonants
Glottals - Restricting the airflow through the open glottis ([h]) or by interrupting the breath stream during speech or closure of the glottis (glottal stop)
Oral sounds are those produced with the velum raised to prevent air from escaping out of the nose
Nasal sounds are those produced with the velum lowered to allow air escape out of the nose
Manner of Articulation is the configuration and interaction of the articulators when making a speech sound.
Stops - Produced by completely stopping the airflow in the oral cavity for a fraction of second
Fricatives - Severely abstracting the airflow so as to cause friction
Africates - A stop closure that is released with a lot of friction
Approximants - Bringing two articulators close together without them touching as the sound is produced. The result is smooth, vowel like sound
Trills - rapidly vibrating an articulator
Flaps - a flick of the tongue against the alveolar ridge
Clicks - moving air in the mouth between various articulators