
Cards (47)

  • Tone is a sound resulting to the regular or irregular vibration of air against an object. 
  • Tone is not yet consider as music though. 
  • A tone can be pleasant or unpleasant.
  • A tone can be produced through shouting, clapping, squeaking of door or whistling of the wind. 
  • A single tone can have duration, intensity or pitch.
  • Duration refers to the length of time a tone last
  • ·  . Duration of sound is actually affected by the kind of notes used and tempo appliea.
  • Pitch refers to how low or how high the tone is
  • Intensity refers to loudness or softness of the tone
  • Timbre is an element of music that refers to the quality or color of sound.
  • Melody is a series of tones with variations in duration and pitches.
  • A melody can be arranged in upward or downward direction. 
  • static, a melody that does not move up or down
  • Tempo is an Italian term for speed or pace. 
  • Meter refers to the groupings of beats accordingly by twos, threes or fours.
  • Register refers to the range and dimension of a vocal skill
  • Register refers to the highness or lowness of total number of notes in a piece.
  • ·  Soprano - the highest female voice. Sopranos can be classified as dramatic, lyric, coloratura and mezzo.
  • ·  Alto - the lowest female voice
  • ·  Tenor -the highest male voice
  • ·  Sopranista- a tenor who does the soprano line through a special voice technique and without the use of falsetto.
  • ·  Countertenor- a tenor who sang extremely high notes through falsetto.
  • Baritone -a voice classification between tenor and bass. Notes are written lower than tenor line but higher than bass line
  • ·      Bass- the lowest male voice.
  • Dynamics is the relative softness or loudness in music
  • Dynamics
    . It is the most expressive of all the elements yet the most difficult to interpret. One 
  • . An utmost feeling is needed to interpret the dynamics.
  • Rhythm an element that pertains to the feeling of beat in music.
  • The basic note is the note that receives one beat. 
  • Often dynamics is associated with moods. 
  • Texture refers to the disposition of a sound whether thick or thin.
  • Monophonic - Single melodic sound without accompaniment.
  • Homophonic - Single melodic line with accompaniment as an independent line. 
  • Polyphonic - two or more notes performed after the other in a form of round song. 
  • Harmony is sounding of two or more notes in a pleasant manner.
  • Chord - two or more notes sounded together. A chord, due to its nature, might not be always pleasant:
  • ·  Consonant - a chordal combination whose ending is precise and complete.
  • Dissonant - a chord combination whose ending is imprecise and whose feeling is incomplete
  • ·      Triads - a combination of three notes sounded together.
  • Form refers to the overall structure of music. It also refers to the differences between parts of the composition.