excel vocab

Cards (84)

  • barge
    a large low boat
  • skiff
    small boat
  • obligation
    A legal or moral responsibility or duty
  • husky
    big and strong
  • burly
    (adj.) big and strong; muscular
  • laudable
  • coagulate
    thicken; congeal; clot
  • seep
    pass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings
  • vigilant
    on the alert; watchful
  • veer
    (v.) to change direction or course suddenly, turn aside, shift, swerve
  • abhor
    to hate
  • exertion
    physical or mental effort
  • decree
    An order having the force of law
  • maltreat
    (v.) to abuse, use roughly or crudely
  • petulant
    peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated and upset
  • jaded
    wearied, worn-out, dulled
  • tatty
    old and in bad condition
  • docile
    easy to teach or manage
  • forfeit
    Surrender or lose as a result of an error, crime, or failure to fulfill an obligation
  • plumage
    feathers of a bird
  • dejected
    sad, depressed
  • coincide
    to happen at the same time
  • spinster
    an elderly unmarried woman
  • ruddiness
    a healthy reddish color
  • basalt
    a dark, fine-grained rock
  • apex
    (n.) the highest point, tip
  • valiant
    brave, courageous
  • hysteria
    a temporary loss of cognitive or motor functions, usually as a result of emotionally upsetting experiences
  • morose
    having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable
  • grotesque
    (adj.) unnatural, distorted; bizarre, ugly
  • potent
    powerful; highly effective
  • ominous
  • lethargic
    acting in an indifferent or slow, sluggish manner
  • noxious
    harmful; poisonous; lethal
  • garrulous
  • stentorian
    very loud
  • prodigious
    enormous in size, quantity, degree; marvelous, amazing
  • copious
    abundant; plentiful
  • heinous
    (adj.) very wicked, offensive, hateful
  • avaricious